Sunday, July 19, 2009


So it's Sunday today. I haven't blogged in days. I have tried to start a couple posts but didn't get very far. That will teach me to not blog at 3 am when I am really tired. I am still tired now and its 1:30 in the afternoon. I almost fell asleep at Scott's house last night, and the night before that I DID fall asleep.
It's getting harder and harder to drive home and go to bed, when all I want to do is stay with him. I think between him and I yesterday we said no less than 10 times how we can't wait to have our own place, or how we wish we already had our own place. I think some people, like my mom, and some random people, think we are crazy for talking about moving in together already. But what no one realizes is that yes, its been 2 months, BUT to us, it feels like its been so much longer. A year at least. ;)
He is honestly, the most romantic boyfriend. He says and does the sweetest things. I just can't believe how happy I am. I never thought love could or would feel this way.....

EDIT: Tonite (sunday nite) Scott and I were discussing the whole living together thing and I am guessing that it will be many months before I move out of my mom's house....So its not like we are moving in together tomorrow or anything. LOL Maybe next summer? I donno. I think that if I stay here for another year it will give me a chance to save money and maybe, just maybe, put a down payment on a house or something. I would really like that. Only time will tell.....

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