Okay, so I stole it from someone else. But it looked like fun. And as much as I'd like to do a big update post I have not been able to do a lot of typing, so since this is not a lot of typing well, you get my point. ;)
1. Open your music library (iPod, iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every stage of life, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new stage, press the next button
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend you’re cool…
Waking Up: Juno Soundtrack-All I Want Is You
First Day at School:ZZTop-Lowrider
Falling In Love: Savage Garden-Chica Cherry
Fight Song: Chipmunks-The Christmas Song
Breaking Up: Alan Jackson-Sissy's Song
Prom: Zac Brown Band-Chicken Fried
Life: Toby Keith-I Love This Bar
Mental Breakdown: Hank Williams Jr.-A Country Boy Can Survive
Driving: Mark Chesnutt-The Lord Loves A Drinkin' Man
Flashback: Toni Braxton-Another Sad Love Song
Wedding: Dirty Dancing Soundtrack-Stay Just A Little Longer
Birth of Child: LeAnn Rimes-But I Do Love You
Final Battle: The Beatles-She Loves You Ya Ya
Death Scene: Westlife- Unbreakable
Funeral Song: Toby Keith-XXL
End Credit: Bon Jovi-Bed of Roses
What can I say, I listen to odd music.....
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas Q & A
So I umm borrowed this from http://braziers.blogspot.com/ today when I was browsing thru blog updates. It looked like fun so here we go....
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, with out a doubt. Sometimes I will use a gift bag if the object is just to difficult to wrap but, it is like a last resort, after I have tried my hardest to wrap it. I have TONS of wrapping paper. I love to buy it after Christmas but will probably not be buying any this year because I have so much. Wait, who am I kidding???? Of course I will buy more. LOL
2. Real tree or Artificial?Artificial with out a doubt. I can not stand the trouble of a real tree.
3. When do you put up the tree? The day after Thanksgiving, usually. This year it was a few days later since I had to go and buy a new tree because the lights on my old one all died.
4. When do you take the tree down? Umm when ever, usually the day after Christmas but this year we are having a Christmas party at our house next Monday so probably next Tuesday
5. Do you like eggnog? Oh HELL no, that is soo nasty!!!! But Scott really likes it
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I don't know. I honestly do not remember much of my childhood
7. Hardest person to buy for? My mom
8. Easiest person to buy for?Hayley, because she wants ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!!! I always end up over buying for her.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, two of them.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I usually do cards but this year I am not getting very far...And I have only received one.
11. Worst Christmas ever? When I was 17....no details needed
12. Favorite Christmas Movie(s)? How the Grinch Stole Christmas, both versions
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? When ever I have extra money
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes...and I don't feel guilty at all.
15 .Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Anything yummy!
17. Favorite Christmas song? All of them.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We don't do any major traveling but we do have places to go.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Uhhh...Maybe...
(where did #20 go?? Rain made up this one, so I'll go along.) <~~~I'll just leave this, it was there when I copy and pasted ;)
20. What is the weather usually like where you live on Christmas? Cold and snowy...It sucks
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning, but this year Hayley is opening one on Christmas Eve...A pair of P.J.s so she is not in her underwear in all the pics.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Traffic
23. Favorite ornament theme or color?I really don't have one, my tree is full of a random collection of ornaments
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Ham
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? A new camera and the new Harry Potter movie....
Let me know if you do this do and I'll check it out!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, with out a doubt. Sometimes I will use a gift bag if the object is just to difficult to wrap but, it is like a last resort, after I have tried my hardest to wrap it. I have TONS of wrapping paper. I love to buy it after Christmas but will probably not be buying any this year because I have so much. Wait, who am I kidding???? Of course I will buy more. LOL
2. Real tree or Artificial?Artificial with out a doubt. I can not stand the trouble of a real tree.
3. When do you put up the tree? The day after Thanksgiving, usually. This year it was a few days later since I had to go and buy a new tree because the lights on my old one all died.
4. When do you take the tree down? Umm when ever, usually the day after Christmas but this year we are having a Christmas party at our house next Monday so probably next Tuesday
5. Do you like eggnog? Oh HELL no, that is soo nasty!!!! But Scott really likes it
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I don't know. I honestly do not remember much of my childhood
7. Hardest person to buy for? My mom
8. Easiest person to buy for?Hayley, because she wants ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!!! I always end up over buying for her.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, two of them.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I usually do cards but this year I am not getting very far...And I have only received one.
11. Worst Christmas ever? When I was 17....no details needed
12. Favorite Christmas Movie(s)? How the Grinch Stole Christmas, both versions
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? When ever I have extra money
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes...and I don't feel guilty at all.
15 .Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Anything yummy!
17. Favorite Christmas song? All of them.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We don't do any major traveling but we do have places to go.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Uhhh...Maybe...
(where did #20 go?? Rain made up this one, so I'll go along.) <~~~I'll just leave this, it was there when I copy and pasted ;)
20. What is the weather usually like where you live on Christmas? Cold and snowy...It sucks
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning, but this year Hayley is opening one on Christmas Eve...A pair of P.J.s so she is not in her underwear in all the pics.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Traffic
23. Favorite ornament theme or color?I really don't have one, my tree is full of a random collection of ornaments
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Ham
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? A new camera and the new Harry Potter movie....
Let me know if you do this do and I'll check it out!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Christmas Ornaments 5-10
5. This is the ornament I had to drag out of my bingo stuff. It is one of my most treasured things. I bought this ornament when Hayley was probably 2 months old. It was the first ornament that went on our tree that year. You can't tell by the picture but on the white ribbon it says "2002 Baby's First Christmas" Isn't it cute???
6. This is Hayley's other First Christmas ornament. This is part of a set, of which I am hoping to get all up tonite. I bought this one in 2006 after I had already purchased the rest of the train. I had to search the internet forever just to find it and then I paid a crazy amount of money to obtain it.
7. This is car 2 in Hayley's train. I'm not sure if I will ever be able to let her take these when she is old enough to move out. I treasure them so much.
8. Not a very clear picture. Car 3
9. Car 4...Maybe it would have been easier to just use a picture of the whole train together....
10. Woohoo! I am now up to date! This is the final car in Hayley's awesome train. Not very clear I know!
6. This is Hayley's other First Christmas ornament. This is part of a set, of which I am hoping to get all up tonite. I bought this one in 2006 after I had already purchased the rest of the train. I had to search the internet forever just to find it and then I paid a crazy amount of money to obtain it.
7. This is car 2 in Hayley's train. I'm not sure if I will ever be able to let her take these when she is old enough to move out. I treasure them so much.
8. Not a very clear picture. Car 3
9. Car 4...Maybe it would have been easier to just use a picture of the whole train together....
10. Woohoo! I am now up to date! This is the final car in Hayley's awesome train. Not very clear I know!
TaDa! The whole train. Taken the day I got the first one in the mail. Isn't it amazing? I just love them, and I can't wait to do the same thing for my future children.
So, now I am covered until Friday....woohoo....Until then....
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Okay, so I have not blogged for many many days. The reason? I was soooo sick that I didn't do much of anything. Hopefully tomorrow I will get my ornaments up to date. And the good news is tomorrow I am getting a car FINALLY!!!
So until later,
So until later,
Friday, December 4, 2009
Christmas Ornament 4
Okay, so apparently my camera is not willing to take the best pictures. I am sure that is because of the fact that Hayley broke the screen so I have no clue exactly what I am taking a picture of. But anyways, this is Hayley's ornament. My mom bought it at Cracker Barrel when Hayley was just a baby. It took me many years to finally get a picture in it but that is Hayley's hospital picture. Yes, she is kind of sticking her tongue out. I love this ornament because it reminds me just how little Hayley was her first Christmas, and it also says Baby's First Christmas on it. Which makes it her 3rd one. Tomorrow I am hoping to get her very first one up. But in order to do that I have to dig out my Bingo bag because I use that particular ornament as a good luck charm when I go and play bingo.
Okay, so I stole this from http://nobabynoblog.blogspot.com/ who I believe said she stole it from someone else, who had also stolen it from someone else....LOL But it looks like fun so I am gonna give it a shot!
1. Who was your FIRST prom date?
Sadly, I never went to prom. It didn't really interest me in the least bit. Not to mention I was not big on dating, so I just didn't go.
Sadly, I never went to prom. It didn't really interest me in the least bit. Not to mention I was not big on dating, so I just didn't go.
2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
No. And to be honest, I don't know who my first love was. Maybe it was Hayley's dad. And if so then I guess I do talk to him sometimes. As in rarely.
No. And to be honest, I don't know who my first love was. Maybe it was Hayley's dad. And if so then I guess I do talk to him sometimes. As in rarely.
3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
Wow, I was 17 and have NO clue what I was drinking that night. Probably rum
Wow, I was 17 and have NO clue what I was drinking that night. Probably rum
4. What was your FIRST job?
My first real job was working at a gas station stocking their orders and doing random crazy things. Such as wading around with out shoes the day one of the washing machines in the laundrymat side went nuts and leaked water every where.
My first real job was working at a gas station stocking their orders and doing random crazy things. Such as wading around with out shoes the day one of the washing machines in the laundrymat side went nuts and leaked water every where.
5. What was your FIRST car?
A 1988 Toyota Corolla, dark blue 5 speed. I miss that car to death!!
A 1988 Toyota Corolla, dark blue 5 speed. I miss that car to death!!
6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
No one, I don't do texting at the moment
No one, I don't do texting at the moment
7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
Hayley, because I was awake at 7:50 this morning checking to see if she had school. Which thankfully she did.
8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher? Mrs. Wait
9. Where was your FIRST ride on an airplane to? I am embarassed to admit that I have NEVER been on a plane.
10. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk? My very first best friend's name was Rose, and I haven't spoken to her in over 10 years. My 2nd best friend was Heather, and she hasn't spoken to me in 8 years, sadly, over something stupid.
11. Where was your FIRST sleep over?My dad's, since my parents divorced when I was 2
12. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today? Scott
13. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?My own first wedding. And then my 2nd. I have never ever been in a wedding other than as the bride
14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning? Asked Scott to check the news
15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?Barenaked Ladies. And then Backstreet Boys both were seriously fun!
16. FIRST tattoo? My dolphin one. The sad thing is that Nate's name is next to said dolphin. I need to have it covered. But it is gonna cost me a crap load of money.
17. FIRST piercing? Ears
18. FIRST foreign country you've gone to? Canada
19. FIRST movie you remember seeing? Wizard of Oz I believe
20. When was your FIRST detention? Highschool
22. Who was your FIRST roommate? My first husband.
23. What was the FIRST sport you were involved in? Sport? LOL Does tap dancing count?
24. What were the FIRST lessons you ever took? Tap Dance
25. What is the FIRST thing you do when you get home? Depends on where I was and what I have to do, usually I go to the bathroom lol
26. What was you FIRST cuss word or words?Hmmm.....Bitch probably? Maybe it was Fuck
27. FIRST time you went wrapping houses or egging? Never
28. FIRST person to break your heart? Wow...umm I donno....
29. FIRST CD you've ever bought? Backstreet Boys
30. Where did you go/do for your FIRST date? To see a movie...100 & Christmas Ornament 3
I so can not believe that this is my 100th post on this blog! I have never ever kept up with a blog this long. I've never felt that anyone would even be interested in my boring life. But then again I think 5 people read this thing. But hey it's better than none. =)
Anyways, I wanted to point that out before I continue with my post. Today(12/3) is day 3 of Christmas Ornaments. I know that the picture isn't the clearest, but I am hoping it is clear enough to see why I am choosing this one. My mom ordered this for Hayley when she ordered my replacement one. When we started decorating the tree Monday this was the 2nd ornament placed on the tree. It means so much to me that we are continueing this tradition even though we don't live with my mom. I can't wait until NEXT year when we start to decorate our tree there will be THREE instead of TWO.
Anyways, I wanted to point that out before I continue with my post. Today(12/3) is day 3 of Christmas Ornaments. I know that the picture isn't the clearest, but I am hoping it is clear enough to see why I am choosing this one. My mom ordered this for Hayley when she ordered my replacement one. When we started decorating the tree Monday this was the 2nd ornament placed on the tree. It means so much to me that we are continueing this tradition even though we don't live with my mom. I can't wait until NEXT year when we start to decorate our tree there will be THREE instead of TWO.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Christmas Ornament 2
I turned my back for one second and the shopping cart rolled off the table and crashed on to the floor. And since my name ornament was on top it was the first thing to hit the floor....shattering into a thousand peices! I was devestated! I called my mom crying and she was able to order me a new one and have it delivered by Christmas. So this one I have taken very very good care of it, and am very protective of it. In fact, I love it so much that I just ordered Scott a green one. I am so excited to give it to him for Christmas.
So until tomorrows ornament,
A fun idea!
So I read a lot of blogs, and tonite when I logged on to read blogs I found this post. I think it looks like so much fun so I am gonna give it a try. I went and examined my tree and realized that I don't have that many interesting ornaments, but I do have alot of them that have a lot of memories. So I will use those.
I know this isn't an ornament really but it is the most important thing on my Christmas tree. While it is not the orginal it is identical to the one that my grandparents always had on their tree. This one I found at a barn sale about 2 weeks ago and had to buy it. You see, this is my 3rd one I have bought. Since you can't buy them new I have to look for them at garage sales and consignment shops, and well you take a chance when you buy at those places. Thankfully, this one works and I am happy to carry my grandparents tradition on.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Brewing: Thoughtful Post
I have a very deep thoughtful post brewing, I was going to type it when I got home tonite, but decided I wasn't really in the right mind frame. Hopefully later, after I got some sleep and things have sank in a bit. It is probably going to be rather long and I definitely want to be able to give it all my attention....
It was a long day, Scott went to the ICP concert and when I picked him up he was soaking wet...covered in Faygo diet Rootbeer...But he had fun.
We are off to bed so I will blog later....
It was a long day, Scott went to the ICP concert and when I picked him up he was soaking wet...covered in Faygo diet Rootbeer...But he had fun.
We are off to bed so I will blog later....
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sweet Potatoes
Just a note...Sweet Potatoe Balls are NOT as easy as Paula Deen makes them seen on Food Network! I am totally bummed!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Aren't they pretty????
Excuse the mess on the table....LOL But those are my beautiful roses. There is one for every month we have been together. And I noticed today that the lilys are starting to open. They are almost as beautiful as the roses. I will take a picture and upload it tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
So it's Saturday today, since we no longer have a car we are stuck at home. Well let me correct that, we HAVE a car, it just can not be drove. GRRR. We went over a month with out a car, got a car and now can't drive said car. I called the guy we bought it from and that apparently didn't go well. He was suppose to come pick it up last nite and bring me my money back but he didn't so I imagine I am going to have to take him to court..Not fun!
It is rather nice out today, Hayley and I were down at the park playing, I took some pictures and Hayley took a picture of me attempting to hang up side down....I haven't seen it yet so I don't know if I dare post it. LOL
Hayley is so silly...And oh my does she look like me! I don't see hardly any traces of her dad.....
Anyways, I have a bunch of windows open to let the fresh air in and I have some house work I want to get done. And Scott is still sleeping. So until tomorrow,
Friday, November 13, 2009
I kind of missed two days. I am bummed but it was completely out of my hands...kind of. The first day I missed was because I fell asleep really early and the 2nd day was yesterday and we had over nite company due to the fact that my car is not working. Well actually, I could drive it, but I don't dare. We ended up having to call a tow truck last nite to get it here. *Sigh*
It's a long story, the whole thing, and I am not in the mood to type it all right now. I'm not really in the mood to type much at all. So I will leave you with a picture.
Miss Faith laying in her bed.
It's a long story, the whole thing, and I am not in the mood to type it all right now. I'm not really in the mood to type much at all. So I will leave you with a picture.
Miss Faith laying in her bed.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Cutting it close.
It is almost midnight. Well actually, its only 10:30. But still I have been so busy today that blogging has only been in the back of my mind. Hayley's big limo ride was today. Isn't that cool?? We almost missed it because my alarm didn't go off. =( After we came home for a while(oh and my car almost over heated as we were pulling in) we left again to run to the store. While we were out we got spark plugs and stuff to make dinner and a few groceries. Turns out we don't have the extention here to change my spark plugs but we can do it tomorrow. And speaking of tomorrow I have to take my car to the car place to find out how much its going to cost to have the overfill tank replaced. *sigh*
Anyways, I will talk to everyone tomorrow I am exhausted!
Anyways, I will talk to everyone tomorrow I am exhausted!
Monday, November 9, 2009
My car....
So we got our new car today. I enjoy it, BUT I am a little annoyed. When I turned it on earlier the "Service Engine Soon" light was on AGAIN. He said he had that fixed. What a liar. AND when I went to get license plate screws I realized it was leaking fluid...Turned out to be antifreeze and the reason it is leaking is because there is a HOLE in the over fill tank. Annoyed? Yup Yup. So now I have to have some repairs done. Oh and the reason the light is on? Because it needs new spark plugs and wires. *sigh*
OH and someone commented on Hayley's big news and since I don't know how to answer so they see it I will answer it here. We do help her with her fundraiser, since she is not allowed to go door to door anymore we have to ask friends and relatives. So that is what we do, we ask anyone and everyone. And of course I order a bunch and so does Grandma. ;)
So until tomorrow,
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Hayley and her BIG news!
Since I plan on being gone most of the day I thought I would do my blogging now, while I wait for my mom to come pick us up. Yesterday I forgot to mention Hayley's BIG news! They found out who was top sellers for their fundraiser and the two top sellers in each grade gets to go on a limo ride with the principal. Annnnnnddddd.....For the third(yes I said THIRD) year in a row my princess is going on a limo ride! Lucky girl. The first picture, the white limo was during kindergarten. And the 2nd picture, with the black limo is first grade. I can't wait to go take pictures next Tuesday.
So until next time....
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Crazy Day
It has DEFINTELY been one of those days...Actually yesterday was like this too. We have been running around like chickens with our heads cut off!!!! I guess that is what happens when you finally have acess to a car and need to get a ton of stuff done. Yesterday, I had to cash a check(which Meijers wouldn't cash) finally had to take it to Check N Go and pay 13 dollars just to get my money. And then, I had to eat lunch, stop by DHS to find out why Hayley lost her insurance and then reapply, and then I went down and waited forever to see my probation officer, and get home in time for Hayley to get off the bus.And after that Scott had to go to his mom's to type for her. And today, I had to pick up Hayley's fundraiser, run more errands and now am sitting down for two seconds before we leave to go back to Scott's moms. *sigh* I will update this later!
I'm back. Not too much happened since I last wrote. Still no car, Hayley was extra cranky tonite because I think all week she has been up past her bedtime, and now I am just peacefully sitting up playing online and staring at Scott while he plays video games.
Sometimes, when I am just sitting staring at him I just smile because he just makes me so happy. I love everything about him. From the way he looks at me sometimes, to when we go to bed and he always automatically wraps his arms around me. I feel so safe in his arms. I love the way he rubs my back and almost always I fall asleep, or relax. I can't believe that is has almost been 6 months. It feels like it was just yesterday. I remember everything about the nite I met him. We talked online for like 6 hours. And then finally I went to meet him. It was late(after midnite) and I had court at 8 a.m. but I had to go. I had to meet this man I had been talking to for hours on end. The man I have sooo much in common with. It was amazing, He is amazing, we always have a good time together. He watches me when he thinks I am not looking. I think its cute, because I do it to him too!! And I love holding him at nite. I think I will dedicate the whole post to him and our relationship...That should be fun!
But anyways, that is my update.
I'm back. Not too much happened since I last wrote. Still no car, Hayley was extra cranky tonite because I think all week she has been up past her bedtime, and now I am just peacefully sitting up playing online and staring at Scott while he plays video games.
Sometimes, when I am just sitting staring at him I just smile because he just makes me so happy. I love everything about him. From the way he looks at me sometimes, to when we go to bed and he always automatically wraps his arms around me. I feel so safe in his arms. I love the way he rubs my back and almost always I fall asleep, or relax. I can't believe that is has almost been 6 months. It feels like it was just yesterday. I remember everything about the nite I met him. We talked online for like 6 hours. And then finally I went to meet him. It was late(after midnite) and I had court at 8 a.m. but I had to go. I had to meet this man I had been talking to for hours on end. The man I have sooo much in common with. It was amazing, He is amazing, we always have a good time together. He watches me when he thinks I am not looking. I think its cute, because I do it to him too!! And I love holding him at nite. I think I will dedicate the whole post to him and our relationship...That should be fun!
But anyways, that is my update.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009

Just a quick picture post. On Wednesday we went with my mom and got pumpkins. Hayley was super excited and had a blast . Then we took them outside and took some more pictures. I love the picture of the 3 of us together. It is one of my favorites. It is also the first "family" picture we have. I can't wait to do more. Soon hopefully. It's almost time to do Christmas cards. LOL I would love to go up to my dad's and do them in his living room by his fireplace but I am not sure that is going to happen. We have a few options so only time will tell.....
Anyways, I do have other stuff I wanted to blog about but now is not the time. It's 5 am and I am tired!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Still alive...
LOL. I know its been a week and I feel terrible! But lately things have been falling apart on us. Last Thursday my engine in my car started knock, which we all know is never a good thing. So we took it in and they confirmed that it is blown...This sucks big time!!! We have no car and no means to obtain a new (used) one. There was one avenue but that did not pan out. Needless to say at this moment I feel very very betrayed...and hurt....But I am not going to get into that one!
Anyways, I am sure there is more I could say but I am exhausted, something else that has been lingering since we moved, and need to get to bed since I have to go to my mom's tomorrow to try and finish getting things moved. I promise to try and update again soon....
Anyways, I am sure there is more I could say but I am exhausted, something else that has been lingering since we moved, and need to get to bed since I have to go to my mom's tomorrow to try and finish getting things moved. I promise to try and update again soon....
Monday, September 21, 2009
Not Me! Monday
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Well it's been a few week since I last did this so maybe just maybe I might have plenty to say. =)
For starters, LAST Monday I most certainly did NOT yell "woohoo!" in the parking lot of the court house after finalizing my divorce, because you know I have better umm manners? than that!!!
Also, at the moment I am NOT sitting on my couch typing this blog post instead of unpacking some of the 20 or so boxes that are sitting in the corner of my living room. I have NOT been slowly unpacking, at a rate of about 2 boxes a night, because I honestly HATE unpacking. Almost as much as I hated PACKING all this crap! The only rooms that are completely unpacked is my kitchen and bathroom.
Oh, and I did NOT allow Hayley to wear the same shorts for 3 days because I had no clue where any of her other clothes were at. This included her NOT wearing the same shorts to school no less. Opps..Hopefully her other clothes will NOT surface sometime soon!
If I can think of anything else I will try to add to this later.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Long over due...
It's been so long since I last blogged but I think that's because I have been soooo busy. I have spent almost a week now packing, and starting Monday moving. Its been just crazy, things are crazy. But it's worth it. I am getting away from where I am now and only certain people know where I am moving to so that is good too. And on the plus side I get to spend every nite in the arms of the one I love. No more driving home at 4 am. Woohoo!
Hopefully tomorrow we can finish. The last time I talked to Scott he was going to finish his packing so that tomorrow I can bring the trailer over and take everything to the new house. And speaking of house, I should post a picture or two but I will wait til we are more settled. I absolutely love it! And it fell right into our lap at a very good price. We definitely couldn't pass it up.
So yes, it will probably be a while before I blog again. Even though our internet and cable will be turned on Friday morning I have a lot of unpacking to do!!!
Oh and last Sat. we celebrated Hayley's 7th birthday. I can not believe my baby is 7!!!! I will have to do a picture post from that after I get settled at the new house.
So until later,
Hopefully tomorrow we can finish. The last time I talked to Scott he was going to finish his packing so that tomorrow I can bring the trailer over and take everything to the new house. And speaking of house, I should post a picture or two but I will wait til we are more settled. I absolutely love it! And it fell right into our lap at a very good price. We definitely couldn't pass it up.
So yes, it will probably be a while before I blog again. Even though our internet and cable will be turned on Friday morning I have a lot of unpacking to do!!!
Oh and last Sat. we celebrated Hayley's 7th birthday. I can not believe my baby is 7!!!! I will have to do a picture post from that after I get settled at the new house.
So until later,
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Its been over a week (AGAIN) since I last blogged. But I do have a reason LOL. Friday afternoon Scott, Hayley and I loaded up and drove up to my dad's house for the weekend. Our intentions were to sleep in the tent out towards the fire pit. We encountered a few problems....
On Sunday, my mom and my brother brought my 2 year old nephew up to see my dad...and us. Gosh he is getting soooo big! It seems like just yesterday that he was born! We were gone when they got there so when we got back I was in a rush to get in the house and when I walked in Ellis was like "AUNT SARA!" in his adorable 2 year old voice. It melted my heart.
In other news, Hayley starts 2nd grade today. She is sooo excited (and so is mommy!). The only problem at the moment is I can only find 1 tennis shoe and that's not good. So I hunted up her good sandals, that need to be washed, and I guess she can wear those. Also, next Sunday my baby turns 7. I can NOT believe it. We are having her party on Saturday. This year she wanted Hannah Montana. And I have been searching the net for a picture of the cake I ordered but I can not find one. Bummer, I will try and get some pictures (of course I need a camera to do that!) But even if I don't have a camera someone will and then I will get pics and if all else fails I have my cell phone which takes decent pictures.
Anyways, I need to wrap this up because I have an appointment at Hayley's school at 1 and I have a ton of errands to run before that. Something that could be very good for us has possibly come up and I need to look into it.
I will update again soon (hopefully!)
- My tent bag was full of water when I pulled it out to pack it
- This resulted in having to go buy a NEW tent (with money that I should not have spent)
- Hayley ended up sleeping in the house ALL weekend, because in her words "Scott snores!"
- All weekend Scott and I were afraid our NEW tent was going to collapse on us. This resulted in my returning our brand new tent. I do not wish to own a tent that does not stay up correctly.
On Sunday, my mom and my brother brought my 2 year old nephew up to see my dad...and us. Gosh he is getting soooo big! It seems like just yesterday that he was born! We were gone when they got there so when we got back I was in a rush to get in the house and when I walked in Ellis was like "AUNT SARA!" in his adorable 2 year old voice. It melted my heart.
In other news, Hayley starts 2nd grade today. She is sooo excited (and so is mommy!). The only problem at the moment is I can only find 1 tennis shoe and that's not good. So I hunted up her good sandals, that need to be washed, and I guess she can wear those. Also, next Sunday my baby turns 7. I can NOT believe it. We are having her party on Saturday. This year she wanted Hannah Montana. And I have been searching the net for a picture of the cake I ordered but I can not find one. Bummer, I will try and get some pictures (of course I need a camera to do that!) But even if I don't have a camera someone will and then I will get pics and if all else fails I have my cell phone which takes decent pictures.
Anyways, I need to wrap this up because I have an appointment at Hayley's school at 1 and I have a ton of errands to run before that. Something that could be very good for us has possibly come up and I need to look into it.
I will update again soon (hopefully!)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Not much to blog about....
I guess I am a boring person. LOL It is quite possible. So I am sitting here racking my brain for things to blog about...A few things have come to mind.
For starters, Hayley is grounded until Friday. Yes, I said my 6 year old is grounded for 5 days. Why you may ask? For taking all the dish soap, hand soap and bubble bath outside and using it to "wash" cars yesterday. It was a disaster! Neither I nor my mom realized that she had taken these things outside. It took me over 1/2 an hour to get all the soap off the cars. *sigh* Kids.
Last night Scott and I watched the first Left Behind Movie. I have already read most of the books but the movie was absolutely amazing!!! I can not wait to watch the 2nd one. Hopefully tonite.
Other than that, I really don't have much to talk about..
OH! Hayley's 7th Birthday is in 13 days!!!! =( My baby is growing sooo fast! And in 8 wonderful days she will start 2nd grade! I am super excited about this as she is definitely ready to return to school!
Maybe I will blog again soon!
Update: Scott and I did in fact watch the 2nd and 3rd Left Behind Movies. I am annoyed at how they ended them. It really made me mad. And the movies got me thinking a little bit. But I will save that for another post later when I am more awake.
For starters, Hayley is grounded until Friday. Yes, I said my 6 year old is grounded for 5 days. Why you may ask? For taking all the dish soap, hand soap and bubble bath outside and using it to "wash" cars yesterday. It was a disaster! Neither I nor my mom realized that she had taken these things outside. It took me over 1/2 an hour to get all the soap off the cars. *sigh* Kids.
Last night Scott and I watched the first Left Behind Movie. I have already read most of the books but the movie was absolutely amazing!!! I can not wait to watch the 2nd one. Hopefully tonite.
Other than that, I really don't have much to talk about..
OH! Hayley's 7th Birthday is in 13 days!!!! =( My baby is growing sooo fast! And in 8 wonderful days she will start 2nd grade! I am super excited about this as she is definitely ready to return to school!
Maybe I will blog again soon!
Update: Scott and I did in fact watch the 2nd and 3rd Left Behind Movies. I am annoyed at how they ended them. It really made me mad. And the movies got me thinking a little bit. But I will save that for another post later when I am more awake.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
A little bit of everything....
Okay, so this isn't going to be a very long post, I don't think. But you never know...it just might turn out that way. LOL....Really there isn't a whole lot I can post about.
I had an appointment on Monday and Hayley had one on Tuesday. Both were successful and I am glad for that. My migraines are still under control, with only minor headaches when I get really stressed. umm, last Thursday I was in the emergency room because I was having terrible back spasms and when they would hit I couldn't breath very well. They have no clue what brought them on and now a full week later I am still having some pain, but not as much. They did do an EKG, a chest x-ray, and lab work. Also they gave me three different shots of pain meds/muscle reliever...and none of them really did anything besides make me so sick to my stomach. Which in its self is funny because one the shots also contained an antinausea medication. LOL
Scott and I are doing well. I love him so much! For a while now every time I would see him/talk to him one song would come to mind. So finally last weekend I played it for him...
I know its kind of silly but I have
sort of adopted it as one of our songs. I also made it into a ring tone so that when Scott calls my cell it plays. OH! And this past weekend Scott sang that to me when we woke up one day. Can you say romantic?? LOL Scott is my rock, my everything...I thank my lucky stars EVERYDAY that I met him!
Moving on....My divorce will be final in 18 days! I am so excited!!!! I was going to go after the hearing and get my tattoo fixed but I am not sure if I am going to have the money. =( That makes me sad...See why I say that????? I am hopefully going to have them cover it up with Hayley's name but honestly I am not sure how that is gonna work! I definitely learned my lesson..No names unless it is a child or a family member that passed away.
And speaking of tattoos..That thing did hurt a little..I was freaked out when I had it done but its addicting and I alre
ady have a collection going of future tattoos...That is my next one, after the cover-up. I just have to decide where I want it. I am thinking my boob. Maybe..I am not sure yet!! I also want the triquetra from Charmed. I don't know why I just do. Also I would like the pink breast cancer ribbon..In memory of my grandma. So yes, I am addicted to tattoos!!!!
Anyways, its quarter after 5 and I want to play one more game of pool and then I am off to bed. I shall do Thursday's Playlist a little later!!!
I had an appointment on Monday and Hayley had one on Tuesday. Both were successful and I am glad for that. My migraines are still under control, with only minor headaches when I get really stressed. umm, last Thursday I was in the emergency room because I was having terrible back spasms and when they would hit I couldn't breath very well. They have no clue what brought them on and now a full week later I am still having some pain, but not as much. They did do an EKG, a chest x-ray, and lab work. Also they gave me three different shots of pain meds/muscle reliever...and none of them really did anything besides make me so sick to my stomach. Which in its self is funny because one the shots also contained an antinausea medication. LOL
Scott and I are doing well. I love him so much! For a while now every time I would see him/talk to him one song would come to mind. So finally last weekend I played it for him...
I know its kind of silly but I have

Moving on....My divorce will be final in 18 days! I am so excited!!!! I was going to go after the hearing and get my tattoo fixed but I am not sure if I am going to have the money. =( That makes me sad...See why I say that????? I am hopefully going to have them cover it up with Hayley's name but honestly I am not sure how that is gonna work! I definitely learned my lesson..No names unless it is a child or a family member that passed away.
And speaking of tattoos..That thing did hurt a little..I was freaked out when I had it done but its addicting and I alre

Anyways, its quarter after 5 and I want to play one more game of pool and then I am off to bed. I shall do Thursday's Playlist a little later!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Its been a full week...
Since I last wrote. So much has been going on that I just simply have not had time to blog. In fact, some of what has been going on I can not blog about. I can say that my depression and anxiety has hit a very severe low..I am not okay. I have an appointment on Monday to help me. I think my medication is not doing its job.
So I figured I would just summarize everything I want to get down in a list...
So I figured I would just summarize everything I want to get down in a list...
- Bedtime in our house is a HUGE struggle right now. I can not get Hayley to fall asleep before 11 pm most nites. I think the solution is to start making her get up at the normal school time so that she is tired by bedtime.
- Scott and my relationship is doing very well, most days. Like all couples we have our moments but things are definitely going better and better. I don't know what I would do with out him..
- He has gotten me through some pretty intense days lately.
- My sister called last nite. Our dad had a dr. appointment yesterday to find out the results of some testing they had done on his heart. It turns out at some point he had a heart attack in the lower part of his heart. It has caused scarring and they need to do more tests to figure out what to do next.
- Hayley broke my camera 2 days ago. I am deeply sadden by this as now I do not have a camera and it will take a few weeks to get it repaired. I hope its back in time for some upcoming events.
Monday, August 3, 2009
My Poor Head....
Yes, my poor poor head. I have had a migraine for 5 days now. Most days I can still function but still deal with the pain, twice now I have been in the emergancy room. The first time my mom took me in they gave me an IV, bruised both of my hands in the process, and then sent me home. Last nite they have me an IV, bruised me in 2 places in the process. They added a new medication this time. Something to reduce swelling in the brain. They also did a cat scan. Which came back fine. They did tell me that this migraine is stress related, due to issues that I am currently going thru involving Nate.
The short of that story is that he decided that he doesn't want to be a part of Hayleys life any more. She is devistated!! As am I! I don't know how this is going to affect her in the long run but hopefully she comes out of it a stronger person. Please pray she does.
However, I am going to wrap this up the computer is tough for me when I'm in pain!
The short of that story is that he decided that he doesn't want to be a part of Hayleys life any more. She is devistated!! As am I! I don't know how this is going to affect her in the long run but hopefully she comes out of it a stronger person. Please pray she does.
However, I am going to wrap this up the computer is tough for me when I'm in pain!
Friday, July 31, 2009
September 14
is the big day! The day that I will FINALLY be divorced! I can NOT wait! I am glad that I have a final date but it sucks because it is so far away.
I am just glad I have a date!
I am just glad I have a date!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Summer Fun
Today is the 30th of July. This is significant because 29 days ago Nate was served his divorce papers. That means that as of yesterday he defaulted, which means that he is not contesting the divorce. So tomorrow, we are driving to Grand Haven to file the paper work and schedule the final hearing. I am super excited! I can not wait to be divorced. How many people say that???????
Also when we are in Grand Haven tomorrow we are going to enjoy the nice day, Coast Guard Festival is going on and we are going to check that out. It should be fun.
AND THEN...On Tuesday Scott, Hayley, Stephanie, and I are going to Michigan's Adventure. Everyone is really excited to go and have lots of fun. They open at 11 and we are going to spend the entire day there. Remind me to bring some sunscreen..LOL I doubt I will. I don't mind the sun. They have so many cool rides and we are going to try and go on everything that won't scare the crap out of us. LOL There is some rides that I can not nor will not even attempt to go on. Some of the roller coasters for example. Tho Scott and I are going to go on the cork screw. I haven't been on that ride in YEARS!
So yes, we are going to be having lots of fun in the upcoming days. And my favorite park is that Monday nite Scott is coming to stay the nite so that I don't have to go to Hudsonville on Tuesday morning. I am super excited, I can't wait to spend the nite in his arms. =)
Also when we are in Grand Haven tomorrow we are going to enjoy the nice day, Coast Guard Festival is going on and we are going to check that out. It should be fun.
AND THEN...On Tuesday Scott, Hayley, Stephanie, and I are going to Michigan's Adventure. Everyone is really excited to go and have lots of fun. They open at 11 and we are going to spend the entire day there. Remind me to bring some sunscreen..LOL I doubt I will. I don't mind the sun. They have so many cool rides and we are going to try and go on everything that won't scare the crap out of us. LOL There is some rides that I can not nor will not even attempt to go on. Some of the roller coasters for example. Tho Scott and I are going to go on the cork screw. I haven't been on that ride in YEARS!
So yes, we are going to be having lots of fun in the upcoming days. And my favorite park is that Monday nite Scott is coming to stay the nite so that I don't have to go to Hudsonville on Tuesday morning. I am super excited, I can't wait to spend the nite in his arms. =)
Dr. Visit...
So I went to the doctor this morning. Was running late and stressed about it and it caused my blood pressure to be high..something like 132/94 or something like that. I told the nurse to check it again before I leave because I knew it would go back down. Part of the "agreement" to going on birth control was that my blood pressure had to not be high anymore. And normally its fine. So she checked it again right before I left and it was like 127/74? I don't remember for sure but she said it was normal.
I got a prescription for Wellbutrin for my depression. She offered to take me off Paxil and do something else but the Paxil controls my anxiety. So I am staying on that and adding the Wellbutrin. Only time will tell if this combination of medications will work. Please pray it does. I am tired of having so many bad days.
I have a few other thing I want to blog about so I will start a new post..Maybe right now or maybe later...But probably right now..LOL
I got a prescription for Wellbutrin for my depression. She offered to take me off Paxil and do something else but the Paxil controls my anxiety. So I am staying on that and adding the Wellbutrin. Only time will tell if this combination of medications will work. Please pray it does. I am tired of having so many bad days.
I have a few other thing I want to blog about so I will start a new post..Maybe right now or maybe later...But probably right now..LOL
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Bad day
Yup, today is a bad day. I had 3 good days and now a bad day. Hopefully it won't last long....I do know what I need to do to make it a little bit better but I am refusing..Isn't that terrible???? I don't deserve to live like this. I hate living like this. I hate that my brain is wired wrong and as a result I will spend the rest of my life on medication or being miserable.
And to top it off, Hayley saw HER therapist today. Finally, I have a diagnose. She has an adjustment disorder with depression and anxiety. Poor kid, inherited her mom's depression and anxiety.
So yes, its been a bad day.
And to top it off, Hayley saw HER therapist today. Finally, I have a diagnose. She has an adjustment disorder with depression and anxiety. Poor kid, inherited her mom's depression and anxiety.
So yes, its been a bad day.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
is a must in every good relationship. But I will get back to that statement in just a moment. First I want to start at the beginning...Beginning of what you ask? Well my story of course! LOL
When I was 15 my mom moved our family away from the town I grew up in, away from my best friend turned sister, and away from everything I knew. Within probably 3 months I was skipping school to sleep, never getting out of bed, and crying all the time. My mom immediately took me to see a doctor whom diagnosed me with depression. I was put on medication, Zoloft if I am not mistaken, and I started doing counseling. Fast forward about 12 years. I still suffer from depression. However, now it is much much worse than it was then. I have been on countless different medications, been hospitalized, in therapy, and just plain suffered. And in addition to that depression I also suffer from severe anxiety problems. So, my doctor put me on Paxil. Then, about 3 weeks ago when my anxiety was getting worse she upped the dose. Now, my anxiety is getting better but my depression is still doing very very bad. I need to call her and see what she recommends.
I will admit, most days I am very down, but I force my self to put a smile on my face and try and act cheery. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. For the last few days it has not been working. Friday was the worst. I have noticed that when I do not get enough sleep it gets worse, so I am assuming that because I have been up since noon on Thursday with only MAYBE 2 hours of sleep snuck in there, that's part of my problem. On Thursday nite I totally shut down. Refused to talk to anyone, in particular Scott. He didn't know what was going on and I didn't know what to tell him. He knows about my depression and anxiety but I didn't know how to say, yes baby I am having a really rough day, just give me time. So the result was about 3? hours of absolutely NO communication between us. NOT good. So moving on to Friday, I spent alot of the day down, and crying.I was feeling as though there was something wrong with my relationship, that we had hit a road block of sorts. All I wanted was to be in Scott's arms where I feel the safest. So finally that's exactly where I went. I still felt that said roadblock was there but I just assumed it was my depression. But I was wrong, oh boy was I wrong!! Which leads me back to my opening statement.
Communication is a must in every good relationship. And Scott and I haven't been communicating very well lately. There is things he does that annoy me, and there are things I do that annoy him. For example, hanging up on him. Which I find my self doing ALOT lately! It makes me feel like a terrible girlfriend! So then why do I do it? Well of course...because Scott does things that annoys me! So tonite we finally realized that we weren't communicating very well and agreed that we need to do so. So Saturday nite when he comes to stay the nite we are going to do some serious talking about where our relationship stands, and the things that each of us needs to change to make our relationship work.
But anyways, its 4:30 in the morning so I must get to bed, I have a busy day a head of me and I am freaking tired! I am sure there is errors in this post so I will try and get back and reread it after I have had some sleep...
When I was 15 my mom moved our family away from the town I grew up in, away from my best friend turned sister, and away from everything I knew. Within probably 3 months I was skipping school to sleep, never getting out of bed, and crying all the time. My mom immediately took me to see a doctor whom diagnosed me with depression. I was put on medication, Zoloft if I am not mistaken, and I started doing counseling. Fast forward about 12 years. I still suffer from depression. However, now it is much much worse than it was then. I have been on countless different medications, been hospitalized, in therapy, and just plain suffered. And in addition to that depression I also suffer from severe anxiety problems. So, my doctor put me on Paxil. Then, about 3 weeks ago when my anxiety was getting worse she upped the dose. Now, my anxiety is getting better but my depression is still doing very very bad. I need to call her and see what she recommends.
I will admit, most days I am very down, but I force my self to put a smile on my face and try and act cheery. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. For the last few days it has not been working. Friday was the worst. I have noticed that when I do not get enough sleep it gets worse, so I am assuming that because I have been up since noon on Thursday with only MAYBE 2 hours of sleep snuck in there, that's part of my problem. On Thursday nite I totally shut down. Refused to talk to anyone, in particular Scott. He didn't know what was going on and I didn't know what to tell him. He knows about my depression and anxiety but I didn't know how to say, yes baby I am having a really rough day, just give me time. So the result was about 3? hours of absolutely NO communication between us. NOT good. So moving on to Friday, I spent alot of the day down, and crying.I was feeling as though there was something wrong with my relationship, that we had hit a road block of sorts. All I wanted was to be in Scott's arms where I feel the safest. So finally that's exactly where I went. I still felt that said roadblock was there but I just assumed it was my depression. But I was wrong, oh boy was I wrong!! Which leads me back to my opening statement.
Communication is a must in every good relationship. And Scott and I haven't been communicating very well lately. There is things he does that annoy me, and there are things I do that annoy him. For example, hanging up on him. Which I find my self doing ALOT lately! It makes me feel like a terrible girlfriend! So then why do I do it? Well of course...because Scott does things that annoys me! So tonite we finally realized that we weren't communicating very well and agreed that we need to do so. So Saturday nite when he comes to stay the nite we are going to do some serious talking about where our relationship stands, and the things that each of us needs to change to make our relationship work.
But anyways, its 4:30 in the morning so I must get to bed, I have a busy day a head of me and I am freaking tired! I am sure there is errors in this post so I will try and get back and reread it after I have had some sleep...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A little over due and HARRY POTTER alert LOL
I should have blogged before now. So much has happened that I really wanted to get down....For starters the 22nd marked 2 months for Scott and I. WOW! It honestly feels like its been a year or something. He is honestly the most wonderfully, amazing, romantic boyfriend. And I tell him that all the time. I just can't believe that he chose me.
Second, on Monday Scott and I went and saw the new Harry Potter movie. It was really good. A little boring at times. Oh and the book was WAY better than the movie. Which is normal, especially for Harry Potter. It is really hard to get some of the effects and what not. There is some things that were never mentioned in the movie that they probably should have purely because of the last movies. But hey, by them not being in the 6th movie means that the 7th (and 8th) movies don't need them either. But still....Book 7 had some serious events happen that I just don't see them being able to not have in the movie....
Anyways, I know I wanted to blog about some other things but its almost 5 am and I am freaking exhausted! Nite nite, and I will try to update again soon. I am honestly really bad at this.
~~OH! and I know I said I would blog about being hit but I just don't want to drag it up. I just need to let it go.~~
Second, on Monday Scott and I went and saw the new Harry Potter movie. It was really good. A little boring at times. Oh and the book was WAY better than the movie. Which is normal, especially for Harry Potter. It is really hard to get some of the effects and what not. There is some things that were never mentioned in the movie that they probably should have purely because of the last movies. But hey, by them not being in the 6th movie means that the 7th (and 8th) movies don't need them either. But still....Book 7 had some serious events happen that I just don't see them being able to not have in the movie....
Anyways, I know I wanted to blog about some other things but its almost 5 am and I am freaking exhausted! Nite nite, and I will try to update again soon. I am honestly really bad at this.
~~OH! and I know I said I would blog about being hit but I just don't want to drag it up. I just need to let it go.~~
Monday, July 20, 2009
NOT My Child Monday...
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Well this one should be interesting!!!! There is a lot of things I can say about my darling 6 year old and the things she does NOT do....
For example:
- Hayley most certainly does NOT watch a movie every nite for bed. And it is NOT on repeat all nite and as a result mommy does NOT know all the lyrics to every song in Highschool Musical 2 & 3
- And she does NOT wear the same clothes 2 days in a row, that would be kinda gross! At least she always changes her underwear!
- Also she does NOT sleep in her underwear every nite even tho she has a million pairs of p.j. Nope, NOT my kid!!!
- Oh and lets not forget, She is most definitly NOT spoiled by grandma, nope NOT my kid!
- hmm and every day she does NOT drag a million blankets outside to play so mommy does NOT have to constantly wash blankets
- Lets see, my child did NOT take the HUGE bag of Rice Krispies and bring them to my room this morning because she wanted breakfast, so there is now NOT a trail of them leading all the way from the kitchen to my bed side...Nope NOT my child.....
Gosh there is so much more I think I could tell you that my daughter did not do but honestly? I am having one of those days. Things have gotten really really intense at home and I can't think clearly..Oh and the pounding headache I have from being hit acrossed the back of the head doesn't help. Yes, I said I was hit....I will blog about it in a min..or when my headache calms down....
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Zoo Pictures
So it's Sunday today. I haven't blogged in days. I have tried to start a couple posts but didn't get very far. That will teach me to not blog at 3 am when I am really tired. I am still tired now and its 1:30 in the afternoon. I almost fell asleep at Scott's house last night, and the night before that I DID fall asleep.
It's getting harder and harder to drive home and go to bed, when all I want to do is stay with him. I think between him and I yesterday we said no less than 10 times how we can't wait to have our own place, or how we wish we already had our own place. I think some people, like my mom, and some random people, think we are crazy for talking about moving in together already. But what no one realizes is that yes, its been 2 months, BUT to us, it feels like its been so much longer. A year at least. ;)
He is honestly, the most romantic boyfriend. He says and does the sweetest things. I just can't believe how happy I am. I never thought love could or would feel this way.....
EDIT: Tonite (sunday nite) Scott and I were discussing the whole living together thing and I am guessing that it will be many months before I move out of my mom's house....So its not like we are moving in together tomorrow or anything. LOL Maybe next summer? I donno. I think that if I stay here for another year it will give me a chance to save money and maybe, just maybe, put a down payment on a house or something. I would really like that. Only time will tell.....
It's getting harder and harder to drive home and go to bed, when all I want to do is stay with him. I think between him and I yesterday we said no less than 10 times how we can't wait to have our own place, or how we wish we already had our own place. I think some people, like my mom, and some random people, think we are crazy for talking about moving in together already. But what no one realizes is that yes, its been 2 months, BUT to us, it feels like its been so much longer. A year at least. ;)
He is honestly, the most romantic boyfriend. He says and does the sweetest things. I just can't believe how happy I am. I never thought love could or would feel this way.....
EDIT: Tonite (sunday nite) Scott and I were discussing the whole living together thing and I am guessing that it will be many months before I move out of my mom's house....So its not like we are moving in together tomorrow or anything. LOL Maybe next summer? I donno. I think that if I stay here for another year it will give me a chance to save money and maybe, just maybe, put a down payment on a house or something. I would really like that. Only time will tell.....
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Yes you can see right where my bathing suit straps lay but only in spots because the straps don't stay up well at all....
Scott, Hayley, Stephanie, and I went to Potter Park zoo yesterday with Sylvia. It was awesome! Very busy, and very warm out. But we had a blast. Stephanie & Sylvia took Hayley with them so Scott and I could really enjoy the zoo. There was certainly more animals there than at John Ball Zoo. I took a bunch of pics and will upload some later. After we left the zoo, we were there for 3 hrs, we went to Hawk Island Park for lunch and swimming. That was a lot of fun too. By the time we left at 5:30 I was this red, in pain, and exhausted. At about 5 I dozed off sitting at a table. Then last nite I was in bed really early. Well at least early for me....hehe
Friday, July 10, 2009
Almost 2 days now....
Since Nate got out of jail. I had a panic attack waiting for him to come get his stuff but haven't had any since then. My mom was able to serve him his divorce papers the day he got out so that means that we can finalize any time after the 2nd of August. That will be nice. I want to finish this so I can really move on with my life. When Nate was here getting his stuff he left me all the letters and stuff that I sent him. So Wed. afternoon Scott and I went to Timbertown and burned it all in one of the grills. It was theraputic...And once the divorce is final I will go back and burn all the letters he sent me.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Picture post...
I absolutely adore this picture. This was the first time in about 6 years the 3 of us have hung out. It was so much fun, and such an honor to be included in this wonderful day. And wonderful it was....I have so much to type about so I am going to leave this post now and start a new one. I certainly have exciting news!!!!! (And NO i'm not pregnant, THANK GOD!)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Really Quick...
I am gonna post LOL. I took a vicodin for the pain in my body so I am ready to pass out. Probably not a good idea, cuz I do have plans later, but if I continue to feel so groggy I will lay down.
I went and saw Nate yesterday, I don't know if I said it before or not but it was suppose to be my last visit. I did end up scheduling another visit but I am going to call and cancel it. I can't keep going to the jail anymore. I need to be free from him, from his issues with me, his yelling, and his crap. It just CAN NOT continue.
When I left the jail I was in, for lack of better words, a funk. One that would not lift no matter what I did. I even talked to Scott on the phone for a half hour...It seemed to help but not much. When I called there he was still sleeping, at 5:35 in the afternoon, and they woke him up. I felt bad, but at the same time I thought for sure it would help. And it did, for a little while. And then suddenly it crept back up on me.
Stephanie and I took Hayley to the park. I wish I could remember more, but I just can't. I was that out of it.I do know that we were having fun, if I'm not mistaken. I have tons of pics from my cell phone... Finally, Steph stole my cell phone and called Scott. We were about 2 mins from his house. I guess she told him his girlfriend was acting weird and it was freaking her out. And could she bring me there. He said yes. I remember getting in the car, and her driving me there. And then I remember him coming out and talking to me. I remember his arm around me, telling me everything would be okay. And then I remember getting out of the car and just wrapping my arms around him. We just stood there, me in his arms. And finally I felt that oddness lifting. I apologized for him missing some of the Red Wings game, and he said basically
that I was more important than the game.
By the time we left there I was feeling much better. I didn't feel so out of it anymore. And for that I thank Stephanie, for contacting him and driving me there. And I thank my wonderful boyfriend for caring enough to help me feel better. It was odd and I know there is stuff that I will never remember. But I also know I am safe with Scott and he will be there to make me feel safe.
This is why I can not go back to the jail. I can not allow my self to get that out of it again. I NEED to stay away from Nate.
Anyways, I am sure this makes NO sense whats so ever but maybe later after I have slept I can fix it...I donno. But for now I will close with a couple pictures....I absolutely adore these pictures..And they turned out fairly good given they were taken with my 2.0 mega pixel camera phone....
There is other stuff I want to talk about but not now...Maybe later...
I went and saw Nate yesterday, I don't know if I said it before or not but it was suppose to be my last visit. I did end up scheduling another visit but I am going to call and cancel it. I can't keep going to the jail anymore. I need to be free from him, from his issues with me, his yelling, and his crap. It just CAN NOT continue.
When I left the jail I was in, for lack of better words, a funk. One that would not lift no matter what I did. I even talked to Scott on the phone for a half hour...It seemed to help but not much. When I called there he was still sleeping, at 5:35 in the afternoon, and they woke him up. I felt bad, but at the same time I thought for sure it would help. And it did, for a little while. And then suddenly it crept back up on me.
Stephanie and I took Hayley to the park. I wish I could remember more, but I just can't. I was that out of it.I do know that we were having fun, if I'm not mistaken. I have tons of pics from my cell phone... Finally, Steph stole my cell phone and called Scott. We were about 2 mins from his house. I guess she told him his girlfriend was acting weird and it was freaking her out. And could she bring me there. He said yes. I remember getting in the car, and her driving me there. And then I remember him coming out and talking to me. I remember his arm around me, telling me everything would be okay. And then I remember getting out of the car and just wrapping my arms around him. We just stood there, me in his arms. And finally I felt that oddness lifting. I apologized for him missing some of the Red Wings game, and he said basically

By the time we left there I was feeling much better. I didn't feel so out of it anymore. And for that I thank Stephanie, for contacting him and driving me there. And I thank my wonderful boyfriend for caring enough to help me feel better. It was odd and I know there is stuff that I will never remember. But I also know I am safe with Scott and he will be there to make me feel safe.
This is why I can not go back to the jail. I can not allow my self to get that out of it again. I NEED to stay away from Nate.

Anyways, I am sure this makes NO sense whats so ever but maybe later after I have slept I can fix it...I donno. But for now I will close with a couple pictures....I absolutely adore these pictures..And they turned out fairly good given they were taken with my 2.0 mega pixel camera phone....
There is other stuff I want to talk about but not now...Maybe later...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
That would describe my mood right now. No actually, over the moon is more accurate....Tonite was the 5th nite in a row that Scott and I hung out. I went to his house and we watched 50 First Dates (awesome movie btw) and The Family Guy Movie (another good one) and just cuddled and talked...We talk so much that it feels like I've known him forever!
Just before I left he asked me something that I was not expecting him to yet...I figured it would be a while, we didn't want to rush things, just basically take things slow and see what happens. Well, we were sitting there talking about how my friends would approve of him and then he said "This might be a little over due but will you go out with me?" And of course we all know what Sara said ;) So a few mins later I was like does that mean I can call you my boyfriend? And he said yes..I basically said that as a smart ass thing because I already knew the answer but all the same. He is my boyfriend..And I can talk about him cuz I'm his only girlfriend! lmao
I wish I had a pic I could put up but the only one i have is kind of small...so I will wait until I see him again and just take some pictures..Maybe I can get Hayley to take one of him and I together....
Anyways, I just had to write really quick..I have other things I could say but I'm not going to waste my time cuz its not worth it...
Just before I left he asked me something that I was not expecting him to yet...I figured it would be a while, we didn't want to rush things, just basically take things slow and see what happens. Well, we were sitting there talking about how my friends would approve of him and then he said "This might be a little over due but will you go out with me?" And of course we all know what Sara said ;) So a few mins later I was like does that mean I can call you my boyfriend? And he said yes..I basically said that as a smart ass thing because I already knew the answer but all the same. He is my boyfriend..And I can talk about him cuz I'm his only girlfriend! lmao
I wish I had a pic I could put up but the only one i have is kind of small...so I will wait until I see him again and just take some pictures..Maybe I can get Hayley to take one of him and I together....
Anyways, I just had to write really quick..I have other things I could say but I'm not going to waste my time cuz its not worth it...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Camping Part 2
So, in my opinion, I have succeeded in pissing him off and I'm glad....Haven't seen him in person yet and I know I need to...Maybe tomorrow...This weekend hasn't been what it was suppose to be but that's okay because I am having a wonderful time...WITHOUT him...But Scott has been here both days and we are enjoying getting to know each other...He really is a nice guy and we are taking our time.....
But its 1 am and I need to go to the bathroom, its a little walk, and move to the picnic table cuz my foot is falling asleep sitting....
But its 1 am and I need to go to the bathroom, its a little walk, and move to the picnic table cuz my foot is falling asleep sitting....
Saturday, May 23, 2009
So Hayley and I are camping...Woohoo for free wifi!! Its going okay. Its been way tougher than I thought....I thought it would be awesome but it's not. I have been ignored since yesterday. And its driving me nuts. HE is the reason I am here right now. Because HE wanted me to, I should have just followed my instincts and stayed home. Should have ended it the last time I had a chance to, such as the last time we got together. Incidentally I didn't want to do it then. I just wanted to do HIM! LMAO. Oh well, life goes on. Not like we really have a relationship anyways.
The good part is I met someone. Him I can talk about LOL. His name is Scott...And he is beautiful, and shy, and everything I was looking for. And the best part is he doesn't have a girlfriend or a wife. No more secret relationships for me. He knows that I'm married, and that I haven't filed for divorce yet. And speaking of divorce, I am going to file probably next week. I know that I told Nate I would wait but I can't. He doesn't get that honor. He fucked up by not contacting me in a week. No phone calls, no NOTHING. So screw him! By the end of July, beginning of August I will be divorced, AGAIN. And darn it, I don't think I will ever get married again. Two failed marriages is enough for me thank you very much.
Anyways, the sky looks a little dark, I sure hope it doesn't rain....my tent leaks lol. Speaking of tents..The top of my tent is missing, I think its possibly locked in the storage unit. So Mom went and bought a tarp yesterday and that seems to be working. Hayley wants me to take her back to the pool and I am thinking I might.
Suddenly it got really cold....I'm cold darn it. I need to go to the store because Hayley killed the batteries in the flashlight last nite and its the only one we have.
So until next time,
The good part is I met someone. Him I can talk about LOL. His name is Scott...And he is beautiful, and shy, and everything I was looking for. And the best part is he doesn't have a girlfriend or a wife. No more secret relationships for me. He knows that I'm married, and that I haven't filed for divorce yet. And speaking of divorce, I am going to file probably next week. I know that I told Nate I would wait but I can't. He doesn't get that honor. He fucked up by not contacting me in a week. No phone calls, no NOTHING. So screw him! By the end of July, beginning of August I will be divorced, AGAIN. And darn it, I don't think I will ever get married again. Two failed marriages is enough for me thank you very much.
Anyways, the sky looks a little dark, I sure hope it doesn't rain....my tent leaks lol. Speaking of tents..The top of my tent is missing, I think its possibly locked in the storage unit. So Mom went and bought a tarp yesterday and that seems to be working. Hayley wants me to take her back to the pool and I am thinking I might.
Suddenly it got really cold....I'm cold darn it. I need to go to the store because Hayley killed the batteries in the flashlight last nite and its the only one we have.
So until next time,
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