Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Still hanging around..
I am currently taking 3 classes and am on campus 4 days a week. 2 of those days I am there for about 12 hours. Its exhausting and I am looking forward to my long days ending next week with the end of the first 7 weeks. After that I am only doing 2 classes until winter semester and then all craziness breaks lose.
I am super excited about the next semester despite all the craziness because I am finally getting into the kitchen. Oh I guess I should add that I am going for my associates in Culinary Management with the possibility of going for my bachelors. Sooo yeah, thats whats been going on!
On the trying to conceive front there is nothing going on. My periods are kinda of wacky at the moment but they are getting better so I know that things are getting better. Also, as a result of having food poisoning this past weekend I am down about ten pounds.
Also my princess is now 11 years old! And in middle school...But its almost 2 am and I have to be up in 5 hours. So I will try and make it back to update more about Hayley soon!!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Doing okay...
On Wednesday afternoon I had one last hcg check before they took me back for my d&c. I needed that done for my own peace of mind. As it turns out we were making the right choice as my hcg level had already began to drop in 2 short days. In fact it dropped over 200 points.
So we went ahead and did the procedure and the dr said he didnt remove much. so there is still a slight concern of an ectopic pregnancy so I have to go Friday morning for more blood work to make sure my level is still dropping and i will see the dr in the afternoon.
Physically as of now I am feeling okay. I have taken some tylenol for some mild cramping and tmi but as of almost 3 am I am not really bleeding anymore.
I have lots of questions for the dr and hope i can get some answers soon.
I am off to bed now but wanted to post a quick update.
Oh and side note today (4/11) would have been my dads 70th birthday. I still miss him like crazy but take comfort in the knowledge (in my eyes) he was there to greet our baby.
I promiseto post again soon...
Monday, April 8, 2013
Beyond heartbroken
We found out today this baby isnt going to make it. They are scheduling a d&c for later this week. Please pray....
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Just hanging on...
Oh and on another note I quit smoking 3 days ago. Amazingly its gone well, but I chalk that up to the fact that the smell of cigarettes makes me practically gag....
So please pray for this little baby. If we lose it I'm not sure I can go thru this again!
Monday, April 1, 2013
That is exactly how we felt. I've had three hcg checks and they were 84 218.4 and today was 526.7...we are still in shock but at this point we r confident that this will end with a baby! Thank you to anyone who has been praying for us!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Please if u can, please pray for my sanity and my family as we travel some bumpy roads....
Sunday, February 17, 2013
What if I'm really not ovulating. I know that the only true way to tell if I am ovulating is to temp. But temping is hard for me because I don't get up at the same time everyday..I donno.
The other day Hayley announced that she would like a baby brother or sister. It was so sweet but yet so sad. I know she wants a sibling...She has never been quiet about it. Shes already 10...and yet she still wants that little sibling to play with. Its adorable. Sad too, because we've been trying for so long to have a baby.
I have to go for more labwork on day 3 of my next cycle. I don't know what she is checking then either. I guess I should have paid more attention at my appointment. Opps.
I've hit a wall. I'll be back in a little bit!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Day 14?
I guess is what today is. The pic is my first 3 ovulation predictor tests. All negative right? I really dont know but ill keep testing until like the end of the week..maybe the 15th. *sigh* this getting pregnant stuff is hard work LOL
Thursday, January 10, 2013
So he comes in and does the injection and instantly it burns and my entire hand goes numb! Not normal according to him. But once the lidocaine in the injection wore off all I was left with was intense wrist pain! So thats where I am at now. Trying to type this so no one thinks I fell off the planet.
Be back when I can type again!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Spring Break
So where are we hopefully headed? The great state of Florida. Hayley and Scott have never been so we are hoping to go visit with a good friend of mine and her fiance. Hopefully we can save enough money to go to Sea World or Disney...That would be awesome!!!
I'm so excited!!!!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
The Flu...
Hayleys been on antibotics for 3 days now and she is starting to feel a little better but her cough is still pretty nasty. Scott on the other hand he just had the flu. Not really much coughing though. He's been sick for 2 weeks now and is still miserable. =(
I hope everyone out there is staying healthy!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Christmas Cookie Pictures...
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Just a little note...
- Get Hayley unspoiled a little bit. This girl will do anything to get out of doing chores. Sunday nite she was suppose to take care of her clean laundry...fold and put away. It took me TWO hours to finally convince her to do it and what does she do?? Just shoves it in the drawers. So I told her..If thats what you want to do fine but that it is her fault if her clothes are wrinkled.
- Get into a better routine. Not just in the morning but for all day. I find my self with tons of free time and that isn't any fun!!!
Talk to everyone soon!!!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Hello 2013....
What you ask? Why my New Years Resolutions. And this year I am going to do way better at sticking to them. So here they are in no particular order...
- quit smoking!
- start attending a church..I actually have one in mind
- lose more weight...I am finally back on the right path and am hopeful this will continue
- read my Bible again
- Have family photos taken
- Hopefully get pregnant!
- Be a better wife, mother, daughter and in general better person
Enjoy the first day of 2013 and I will blog again when we get home. I typed this post in advance and hopefully it will publish when I want it too!